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Neha Khurana,
MD Psychiatrist

My path to psychiatry was paved via internal medicine. As a young intern speaking to patients on medical wards, I realized that more than understanding their test results, they wanted to talk about the impact of it on their lives. My journey started with having long discussions about relationships, love, dignity and strength in the face of often devastating chronic illnesses. Through my courageous patients, I learned that love, pain, heartbreak, anger, remorse, guilt and forgiveness are universal human languages that transcend cultural, ethnic and racial divides. They taught me to recognize anxiety, depression, grief and despair as well as hope and optimism to be valuable clinical tools that silently, unrecognizably made a difference to their attitude towards treatment. Understanding this made me realize that I could make a difference in their course of treatment and in their lives.


After this spark of interest, I applied for a Psychiatry residency where I was trained in the art of listening. Through invaluable supervision I learned what makes a person who they are. The underpinnings of nature – heredity, genetics, temperament when combined with the incredible force of nurture in the form of early childhood experiences and current life circumstances determine our response to adversity.


Upon graduation from psychiatry residency at New York Medical College, Valhalla in 2008, I tended to my young family for two years while relocating back to my favorite city of Atlanta. My work as a psychiatrist has been a source of great joy and ongoing learning because of the uniqueness of each individual and every situation.

Training and Certifications 

I graduated from an esteemed medical college in India – Kasturba Medical College. Received my psychiatry training from NYMC, Valhalla where I was honored to serve as chief resident in my final year. However, my greatest achievement is being a mother, daughter, and friend.

My approach to treatment

In the words of Hippocrates – Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.  Medicine as an art is my approach to treatment. It combines a knowledge of neurobiology,  understanding of pharmacology and a healthy dose of commonsense to know the difference between quirks of personality vs a disorder impacting functioning and causing distress.


I prefer a minimalistic approach to medications and emphasize holistic healing by making lifestyle modifications. My use of medicines is guided by scientific evidence base and the lowest possible doses of medications to optimize well-being while minimizing side effects.


Psychotherapy remains an integral part of my appointments. Combining elements of psychodynamic and cognitive behavior therapy to enhance medications and bring about symptom relief.


In my experience, best results come from a two pronged approach – therapy and medication management. I am happy to coordinate care with your therapist or recommend a therapist for you, should you need more intensive therapy than I can offer. 

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